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Journey to NABBA Britain

It's roughly 18 weeks until the NABBA Britain on June 1 at St George's Hall in Bradford.

I qualified by winning the NABBA UK Masters Over 45 in November, 2023.

Full prep will likely begin the first week in March. I concentrated on a hard rebound out of the UK show and that phase ended about three weeks ago. I put on about two stone [28lbs or so] and I'm still quite lean, so expecting a decent jump in stage weight again this time around. I came in roughy 14lbs heavier for the UK show.

This site is for ALL amateur bodybuilders, especially this forum, but I will try to kick things off by logging sessions and progress.

Today, Tuesday, was quads. I split my leg training into two sessions; quads, then hamstrings and calves later in the week.

I'm currently training with one of my clients, a 31-year-old called Nathan Taylor, who has bags of potential; big, long muscle bellies, rugged look, excellent shape – he will be an top Class 2/Medium bodybuilder once we get him to the stage.

Today's quad session is outlined below. I'm 47 and I have to manage my knees; I fear one or both of them is going to pop any time soon.


Leg extension

3x warm-up sets

65 x 25 reps

65 x 25 reps

65 x 20 reps, rest pause [10 sec] 10 reps

Smith Squats

80kg x 6 reps warm-up

120kg x 8 reps

140 kg x 6 reps

160kg x 6 reps     

Leg press

280kg x 30 reps

400kg x 20 reps

400kg x 20 reps


145 x 23 reps

145 x 15 reps

145 x 12 reps

Leg extension [to finish and push more blood into the muscle]

25 x 20 reps                                                                                           

25 x 20 reps                       

That's 14 sets total and takes roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes. Usually, I keep the Smith Squats fairly light and reps about 12-15 but I wanted to include some PR work today for myofibrillar training, something I do with chest and back also. Looking back at the squat video, however, I may not have been going low enough. I usually go parallel.

Nutrition wise, my quad days are always high days. I will outline these further down the line but essentially they consist of lower protein; 30g per meal over six meals. Carbs are 200g pre and post, then 175g for the remaining meals. The sixth and last meal is a cheat meal. But by then, I'm pretty stuffed.


Monday 05/02/23

Check-in weight [am, straight out of bed]: 226.4lbs. 

Slight deplete this week before food is pushed for the remainder of February, ahead of prep beginning start of March. Current leanness means prep needs only 12 weeks, as opposed to 16, which we did for the NABBA UK.

Chest and shoulders:

Hammer Press [PR]

I use some PR exercises for strength. This is one of them.

2 sets x 6-8 [eight reps achieved, then increase the weight next time]

1 set back-off at 12-15

Incline DBs

2 sets x 6-8

1 back-off set 12-15

Standing SLR [with bench supporting]

5 x 15-20

Hammer shoulder press [PR]

2 sets x 6-8

1 back-off set 12-15

Cable crossovers

3 x 20 reps

Underhand cable crossover [unless they are called something else I cannot remember!]

3 x 20 reps


Rope crunches

3 x 15-20 reps

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