Home » How much longer can the NABBA Universe rely on just its history?

How much longer can the NABBA Universe rely on just its history?

October 31, 2024

COMMENT By the Editor

IT WAS once one of two iconic bodybuilding contests. Most of us saw it studded in white lettering behind the reception of Gold's Gym in the film Pumping Iron. On Sunday, November 3, the NABBA Universe will celebrate its 75th Anniversary.

But does it enjoy the same gravitas as it did in its heyday? Or is it dismissed, overlooked and shunned in favour of any one of the many other more modern, glitzy bodybuilding shows?

The NABBA Universe is still a respected competition, but some might argue that it does not hold the same level of influence as it did during its peak years. Those were particularly during the 1950s through the 1970s. Back then, it was one of the few premier global competitions and attracted some of the biggest names in bodybuilding such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno (below) and Frank Zane.

NABBA had been posting for some months about just how great the 75th edition of the Universe was going to be. But when frontdouble.com asked for details of exactly how it was going to be different from previous incarnations, that very detail was scant.

"People will be travelling from all over the world to compete," came the reply from the federation on social media.

Surely, however, people had been doing just that for years in order to compete at the Universe?

"There is going to be a buffet too, to ensure the party continues," the federation added.

So there you have it. People travelling from far and wide to compete and sandwiches and crisps to boot. This for a competition once spoken about in the same breath as the Olympia.

There is a feeling within those associated in some form or another to NABBA that the federation is, for want of a better explanation, stuck in the dark ages.

Have people run out of patience with the NABBA Universe?

Frontdouble.com interviewed Honorary Life President Jim Charles this month. We put it to him that some critics believe NABBA are trailing rival federations in terms of modernisation. That NABBA is not in the same ball park when it comes to promoting itself on social media. Nowhere can people find full results [frontdouble.com has frequently asked NABBA reps to provide these]. And only class winners are ever posted, if indeed any are.

But Charles insisted that NABBA does have a social media presence. He also appeared all too keen to dampen the enthusiasm shown by some of his reps. "Whoever you are dealing with, it's about trying to get their feet to stay on the ground. A lot of them [NABBA officials] are excited about putting their blazer on and being self important," said Charles in our interview this month. "We are going in the right direction. It's like I told the rest of them [NABBA officials], have a bit of patience."

Frontdouble.com understands it is that very patience that is being tested. To take one rival federation as an example; how many competitors will be at this Sunday's Universe versus how many competed at the recent PCA British Finals? Or perhaps any 2Bros regional qualifier?

How many of the class placings at each category on Sunday will be shown on social media throughout the day, keeping NABBA Universe fans – and bodybuilding fans in general – informed of what is going on at their flagship contest?

One change from previous editions of the Universe that might be regarded as a positive is the link with FitX. That federation will be hosting its British Finals at the NEC in Birmingham on Saturday. And the Expo – with its carnival feel – will spill over to the Sunday. Anyone from FitX deemed good enough will be invited to compete at Sunday's Universe.

But delve deeper and inconsistencies linger. Historically, the top three competitors from the NABBA England have been "deemed good enough" for Universe qualification. This year, however, that rule appeared to have gone out of the window. Why? Well, no one really knows. And therein lies another problem: Communication.

Frontdouble.com is aware of at least one competitor who was interested in competing at the NABBA Worlds in June. But – again to borrow a rival federation's methodology – unlike at the PCA, where you are officially invited to the worlds if deemed good enough, you almost had to be a detective with the calibre of Sherlock Holmes to discover how to compete in the NABBA version.

The competitor in question told frontdouble.com they made several attempts at contacting a number of high-ranking NABBA officials to query how to compete at the worlds. They were met with silence. Eventually a reply was forthcoming. It simply said: "Speak to one of us after you compete at the Britain."

Hardly joined-up thinking of a federation "moving in the right direction". Maybe the competitor should have been patient...

Re-emergence of NABBA Pro division is a positive

One additional positive perhaps, alongside the Expo, is the re-emergence of the NABBA Pro division. However, it was curious to note how there will be no Masters competitors offered pro cards at the Universe, according to NABBA's own running order sheet. This, despite the fact that a Masters athlete was awarded pro status at the NABBA England.

It is undeniable that the NABBA Universe still holds a respected place within parts of the bodybuilding community. But again, this is simply for its history. It has faced difficulties in having to compete in a landscape dominated by federations with bigger platforms and wider appeal.

Cast your mind back to that reception area in Pumping Iron and that studded white lettering. Alongside the countdown to the Universe was also a countdown to another competition: The Mr Olympia. Look at the trajectory of both competitions. One remains the pinnacle of the sport. One is left open to a debate about whether it has lost its shine.

And without doing something more than offering flags and putting posters in gyms, one wonders how much longer the once-mighty NABBA Universe can last on history alone.

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