NABBA's introduction of three new classes for the 2025 season threatens more confusion despite their claims they are "modernising".
The federation, who booted out Chairman Jim Charles and Vice Chairman Paul Jeffreys last month, put out a social media post on Monday, January 6 announcing they would be "embracing change".
They admitted that was one area in which they had failed in the past but believe being "transparent" and "consistent" would help rebuild the NABBA family.
But one of three of NABBA's new classes and a removal of the weight cap in the current Classic category could end up causing more issues.
One class is the trial introduction of the female over 45s. This will be one class but encompass four categories judged as one. This includes Bikini, Toned, Trained and Athletic judged as one Open Overall Over 45s.
It is unclear whether a female over 45 athlete can compete in a lower age group category; for example, a 45 year old bikini athlete deciding to compete in the Over 35 Bikini class, rather than be judged against an over 45 Trained Figure. This may leave their extra class with no competitors at all.
But NABBA vice-chairman Tim Rosiek said: "This was decided to stop the show going on too long. We have had lots of people talking about how long they are already and, by adding these three classes, another thre on top would be too much.
"The idea is it’s a trial and the categories with the most in the class will be given the class next year. It will be judged like an overall. In the north, a bikini girl won the overall and went on to win the world championships that year too, so it can be done."
In the statement given to social media, Rosiek (above) added: "There's lots of change going on at NABBA recently. We're modernising. We're taking NABBA into 2025.
"I want to share with you our new fundamental core values. Number one, we're going to be 100 per cent transparent with you all.
"Number two, we're going to be consistent with everything we do.
"Three, we're going to embrace change, because that's sort of a failure we've had in the past, which we are rectifying right now.
"And four, we're going to be united as a whole team – and that's including you guys because you as our competitors and our audience are part of NABBA. We're a big family and that's what we want.
"These are the changes for this year. We have three new classes and we're also changing one of our current classes, because we listen.
"In the Classic division, we're basically going to take away the weight cap [this includes the Pro Division]. That means you're going to be judged on having a Classic shape. So think about Steve Reeves, think about Frank Zane; your classic bodybuilding shapes.
"If you fit that, then that's wonderful. If you're on stage and you look more of a bulky bodybuilder, you will be asked to go into a Mr Class. More will follow on this."
Rosiek told "In our area shows last year we had Tall and Short in the same class and there wasn’t a problem. Obviously if there was a mass influx we would change that. Like at the Britain and Universe, we have Tall and Short if there is a huge line up."
The decision to move people into an Open class once they are already on stage could also prove problematic. Timings of Open classes are usually later in the day and athletes may now have to consider additional preparation in the event they are suddenly told they must compete at a different time.
Rosiek continued: "With NABBA's three new classes, firstly, we're having a Junior Men's Physique class. That means we have a Junior Men's Physique, Open Men's Physique and a Masters Men's Physique.
"The next new class is going to be an Open Over 45s female class. So you will have all your Bikini class, your Toned class, your Trained class and your Athletic class together. And it'll be judged like an overall. I know what you're thinking, that it won't be fair. But it will be fair.
"The reason we're doing this is because, if we have four new classes in the Over 45s, the show will go on too long. Basically, the most popular class will be kept for the year after [2026].
"The third one is going to be Masters Over 60s class. We've had lots of interest in this as well in the past, so this is what we've introduced.
"Those three new classes won't just be at your area shows, they will be at your British finals too, so you have something to work towards."
February 27 - March 2: IFBB Pro League Arnold Classic, Columbus Convention Center, Ohio.
March 22: FMC Scottish Fitness & Bodybuilding Championships, Stewarton Area Centre, Ayrshire.
March 23: BPA Scottish Grand Prix, Gardyne Theatre, Dundee.
March 30: PCA First Timers, Town Hall, Birmingham; IBFA Granite City Classic, Aberdeen Beach Ballroom, Scotland.
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