Darren Fulton

Mr class short under 170.6 (5.6ft)
Height 5ft 6in
Off season weight 112kg
Last stage weight 89kg
Competition history 2015 BNBF qualifier NW 4th (Junior); 2016 Mr Cumbria 1st Class 3 and Junior; 2016 Mr Northumberland 2nd; 2016 BNBF NW 2nd Junior; IBFA finals 3rd Junior; 2016 BNBF finals DNP Junior; 2016 IBFA world's 2nd junior; 2017 NPA Mike Williams Classic 1st Middleweight; 2017 NPA British finals 1st Middleweight; 2019 IBFA MR Cumbria Class 3; 1st 2019 Transformer Classic DNP; 2019 NABBA NW Class 3 2nd; 2019 PCA NW Class 3; 1st 2019 NABBA British Finals DNP; 2019 IBFA British Finals 5th; 2021 Mr Cumbria 1st; 2021 PCA NW 1st; 2022 IBFA UK 1st; 2023 PCA Manchester 1st 2023; 2bros TBF takedown 1st; 2023 2bros British finals DNP; 2023 PCA British finals 1st
Coach Martin Winston
Coaching Valhalla Training and Performance

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