January 10, 2024

Super-heavyweight Josh Goold slams social media influencers in passionate rant

BODYBUILDING is being tarnished by so-called 'influencers' who have not earned the right to offer advice about the correct way to train.

That is according to super-heavyweight bodybuilder Josh Goold, who has taken to instagram himself to warn young, impressionable bodybuilders not to listen to these so-called 'educators'.

Goold, an online coach himself and who is coached by IFBB pro Sas Heirati, said: "This isn't the bodybuilders, this is little kids who haven't trained and are getting a lot of attention.

"It's embarrassing. Yes educate, but being outlandish by being like, 'I'm going to get this many clicks', that is not bodybuilding, it's not educating and it is not helping."

Agree with Goold? Watch this video here and comment below:

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