Sarah Lawson

Ladies trained figure
Off season weight 11 stone
Last stage weight 9 stone 9lbs
Competition history NABBA Welsh 2008 3rd; World firefighter games 2008 1st; UKBFF Welsh 2008 2nd; UKBFF Welsh 2009 2nd; UKBFF British finals 2009 4th; UKBFF Welsh 2011 2nd; NABBA Wales 2012 1st; NABBA British 2012 2nd; NABBA Worlds 2012 4th; NABBA British 2013 1st and overall; NABBA Universe 2013 2nd; NABBA Universe 2014 3rd; NABBA Worlds 2015 5th; NABBA England 2016 1st; PCA Birmingham 2016 2nd; NABBA Universe 2016 7th; NABBA Wales 2018 1st; NABBA Worlds 2018 no placing; NABBA England 2023 1st; NABBA Universe 2023 2nd
Coach Myself and my husband, Pete Lawson
Coaching SPL fit coaching

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